Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs Murder Video (3 Guys 1 Hammer) : Videos
Citing Anthony Stephen-Arroyo column in the Washington Post "On Faith" July 22 article where Dr. Bill Donohue of the Catholic League makes the claim upon all the evidence of the Church sex scandal that the main violators were not merely pedophiles but homosexuals and that homosexuality is the real culprit I have to say to some degree that I agree with him. It seems to me that while homosexuality gets a pass because it is between two consenting adults, pedophilia is a crime because the child is below the age of consent. Yet the question remains whether sexual deviance of any sort can be either eschewed legally or supported. The reality of the matter is that sexuality is a matter of psychological conditioning, people have certain appetites to express positions and traits that they hold within themselves. The pedophile is looking to have complete control and dominance he is as interested in abusing his victims as any torturer. The homosexual is also interested in abusing the person that he is having sex with, that is the trait that ought to be recognized with the homosexual as well. Where there is pride there is bound to be this desire to express triumphalism and superiority beyond the acceptable limit that a person ought to be treated, ultimately it is an absence of love that is the prevailing trait.
Some would say that the crime is the Bishops looking the other way when it came to sexual abuse of minors and that is highly possible. I would offer that none of us would be looking at this issue either if it wasn't for the money that could be dole out to victims, up to one billion dollars now. If the Church was poor and bankrupt, if there was no way for money to be had, a lawyer would not even be hired.
"Roderick MacLeish Jr., a lawyer with the firm that represents nearly half of the alleged victims, said the $85 million offer was accepted after considering the archdiocese's financial condition and the additional stress a trial would put on victims." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,96801,00.html
Sexuality has variant moral latitudes amongst us as human beings. Here in the United States and Europe homosexuality is no longer considered a psychiatric or moral problem when in fact it is seen to be so by the Church. In South Africa for instance they have some of the highest rates of child rape in the world (http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1680715,00.html?xid=feed-yahoo-full-world). "Many children are brutalized so often that they are desensitized to the abuse being a crime."
Variances on sexual predispositions lead to a variety of moral perceptions regarding sexual behavior and even then what the individual holds is often different than what the state espouses. For instance in India and places like South Africa many men claim to believe that having sex with a minor will cure them of AIDS. The moral implication of this of course being two fold one is that sex with a minor is legitimate given any condition and two ridding oneself of AIDs at the expense of another contracting it is also valid. While in places like Uganda homosexuality is still illegal. In the United States and Europe there used to be sodomy laws on the books as well as laws preventing the manufacturing and dissemination of pornography. Today gay marriage is perceived by some as a civil right and pornography is a billion dollar a year industry.
The payouts from the Church may not be directly related to the crimes, there are undoubtedly those not telling the truth to get to the money that is available as was the case in the 9/11 tragedy, hurricane Katrina disaster and the Toyota recall of 2010. According to the John Jay Report, the responses of the dioceses and religious communities at the time of the allegations were as follows.
As for other crimes, John J. Geoghan who was the defrocked priest at the center of the Boston Archdiocese Church Sex Scandal in the 1990's was killed in prison by Joseph Druce. He was accused of allegedly abusing 130 children. Although he was in protective custody he was strangled and stomped to death, yet the State was not held liable for this. In fact most probably thought he deserved his fate when in fact he had beaten two charges because the statue of limitations had run out and one case was dropped by the plaintiff. The case that he was in jail for was being appealed.
In the end when we live in a world with such outstanding ambiguity when it comes to sexual mores as we do today, it seems strange to a limited degree that pedophilia would be treated excessively different or that we really have the right to "screen out" the less popular sexual activities on a moral basis, presumably because they are not as popular as say homosexuality or seen as indefensible.
NAMBLA(North American Man Boy Love Association) was a member of the International Gay and Lesbian Alliance in 1993 (along with MARTIJN and Project Truth) until forced out by a bill from Senator Jesse Helms which would withhold $119 million dollars in U.N. contributions until President Bill Clinton could certify that "no UN agency grants any official status, accreditation, or recognition to any organization which promotes, condones, or seeks the legalization of pedophilia, that is, the sexual abuse of children". The International Gay and Lesbian Association received U.N. consultative status in 1994. While Gary King of the Human Rights Organization claimed that NAMBLA was not a gay organization and had nothing to do with the homosexual community. NAMBLA responded by saying "man/boy love is by definition homosexual," that "man/boy lovers are part of the gay movement and central to gay history and culture," and that "homosexuals denying that it is 'not gay' to be attracted to adolescent boys are just as ludicrous as heterosexuals saying it's 'not heterosexual' to be attracted to adolescent girls. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Man/Boy_Love_Association#The_International_Lesbian_and_Gay_Association_controversy
Obama Moves away from 'Freedom of Religion' toward 'Freedom of Worship'? - U.s. - Catholic Online
“Every religious idea, every idea of God-even flirting with the idea of God—is unutterable vileness of the most dangerous kind, contagion of the most abominable kind. Millions of sins, filthy deeds, acts of violence, and physical contagion are far less dangerous than the subtle, spiritual idea of God.” Lenin wrote these words and was convinced by them. As Lutheran Pastor Richard Wurmbrand stated in his 1967 book Tortured for Christ, “The highest goal of man is to become Christ-like. To prevent this is the main aim of Communists. They are primarily anti-religious. they believe that after death man becomes salt and minerals, nothing else. They desire the whole life to be lived on the level of matter.”
We have come to the conclusion in the West that the Cold War is over because of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and the economic demise of the Soviet Union and because British Prime Minister at the time Margret Thatcher claimed it had ended. Certainly, communism failed as the one thing it was touted to be, an economic system. However, as a value system it persists. The atheist today lament the Inquisition a tribunal process that last over 700 years between 12th century and the 19th century. They also bring up the Crusades although America and much of the West is fighting Muslims at this time and the Muslims much like the Communist find that those with other religion (Communist would prefer nothing but communism) are incompatible with their ‘system’. Even recently, Soviet spies have been exposed although they were under surveillance for years.
Today, there are traits and tendencies in the world which do not openly declare themselves to be members of Communism but they are a social concupiscence, a unity between homosexuals, atheists and pro-choice parties that share these views very much like that of the communists. People that certainly seem to work in concert in a way that the average Catholic has not. Many Catholics do not even keep a internet network by which they can stay in contact with one another in their local parish. It is also worth mentioning the constant presure of the Muslims. Certainly, one of the main ideas that need to be given voice is that Catholicism as a religion has a cosmogony and theology. We think that indeed there is evil in the world and that that evil is orchestrated by a fallen angel, a spiritual power named Satan. How other explain it is not clear, how they explain evil.
In the Church sex scandal there has been an overshot of pedophilia itself to set scorn upon the Catholic Bishops. This actions are said to be crime, crime against the State. Ironically, the State is now like blasphemy charges in Islam which gets stained and offended and requires recompense. There are “hate crimes”, “war crimes” and the very concept of discrimination is considered a “crime”. Today, almost anyone can fall under the jurisdiction of the United States court system. The Church and the Vatican is called into these court systems whereas the Bishops are “employees” of the Vatican and the Pope, as if they work for the salary or pay. It is a speculation that all financial transactions can be formulated in terms of an employer/employee relation. Not to mention the idea that money can be used to justify bringing people to everlasting life in a place where money is worthless. To say that the Bishops are “employees” who work for money is to say that they are idolatrous like anyone who works strictly for money and are not merely given access to a line of financial support which everyone in society needs in order to live respectfully and independently. Although I may receive $1000.00 a week from my parents it does not imply that I am their employee. The States unwillingness to see relationships as independantly as they are from that of the business model is a capitalist socialist interpretation which is much more a collaboration of political communism with economic capitalism, what I would call, the corporate capitalist canopy. Where all of the “little people” live in the roots and shadows of those multi-millionaires living on subsidiaries and stipends as if all were illegal immigrants, all working but invisibly with limited legal rights.
It certainly appears that in this “New World Order” there is no place for the Church which is much the way that the Communist perceived things. Therefore it seems that in fact that Communism and Capitalism have worked out their differences which was not all that much since the Capitalist were materialist who simply wanted the comfort of money and Communist were materialist who believed that all was mere matter as well but sought a fair distribution amongst the masses and had the State as the central planner. Islam on the other hand wanted Allah to be the center of this world but as we see in Dubai and Saudi Arabia the “Holy Land” of all Muslims no problem with the wealth of Capitalist and the central planning of the Communist. Only the Catholic Church the body of Christ interrupts all these plans because it says that the world is evil and that this current life must be sacrificed for the life to come.
Ross Douthat does not merely claim to be a Catholic, he is also a Harvard graduate. Clearly, you can see what problems we face. Yet, all our reason is supposed to be stymied because they tout the name Catholic or Harvard graduate.
Who needs an educational facility, that is one of the most expensive in the country but is for all intentions little more than an anti-American intellectual terrorist training camp inside the U.S.? How can we accept Commanders and Chiefs from an institution that would prohibit the American military itself from recruiting on it's ground all the while Americans are putting their lives on the line to defend their presumptuous Ivy league lifestyle? How can we permit a Supreme Court Justice to sit on the bench from this very same school, who will insist that "Don't ask Don't tell" policy crafted under an administration that she herself served directly under as Solicitor General was "a moral injustice of the first order"? How did homosexuality become the litmus test for morality? An institution that produces President Barrack Hussein Obama who believes that the Biblical admonishments against homosexuality are little more than "obscure references". Since when is St. Paul, author of almost one third of the new testament and Romans chapter 1, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 obscure? How can a Harvard trained attorney find a book obscure which literally numbered each and every sentence? Did Barrack Hussein Obama draw these conclusions from America's "moral imagination?" Is this what Harvard's twisted pseudo intellectualism amounts to, one thing in name and another in practice? Did I mention that Harvard educated Ross Douthat considers himself Catholic?
All the while we proclaim two plus two must equal five for the sake of equality or because their handlers in the Kremlin or Osama Bin Laden said that is their mission. All to often recently we discover that we live amongst spies and terrorist. We greet each other in the morning then set about our variant jobs in the day, one to be a nurse, another to be a lawyer and yet another to plant a bomb in middle of Times Square. Then we break for lunch at the local McDonald's. Of course the report from the neighbors is what a good and regular joe the local terrorist was, the plotter and the terrorist. If Ross Douthat is a Catholic, how can you possibly blame the Catholics for anything? Ross Douthat, Elena Kagan and Barrack Hussein Obama, this is what Harvard is turning out, anti-Americans? Then we will ask, "Where did it all go wrong?".