Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Catholic Culture : On the Culture : Hope from the Holy Innocents

On December 28 is the day that we Catholics honor those boys of Bethlehem that were slaughtered by Herod in an effort to kill the ‘King of Kings” or the new King of Israel a descendent of King David, Jesus the Christ.

The reality is fraught with oddities and quirks and inconsistencies in a way. First, I have never heard of this memorial until this year, sadly. If I had I believe that Christmas might of certainly taken on a more somber and solemn meaning to me as it does now and would no doubt have when I was a boy, knowing that after the all the joy of celebrating Christ’s death, there is the remembrance that someone wanted Him dead.

Christ did not come into this world as a cause of celebration to everyone and yet we Catholics tend to not understand that or why there are so many ‘cockles in the field’ that fight tooth and nail against every single last act of Catholicism. We wonder why they would go so far as to post in the paper’s headlines, X-mas, rather than Christmas. We also tend to not understand the academic and political battles that surround the religion. Ben Stein’s":No Intelligence Allowed, which documents the crumbling assertions of Darwin and the theory of evolution and the academics and political agencies that would go as far as possible to preserve it. Till we are at the point now where they have decided to attack religion all together and straight out.

Yet in the article in which I direct the reader below there is this caveat made by the author that as some point of a proven historical fact (I would assume) there was not that many boys killed in Bethlehem, that the numbers were undoubtly exaggerated for some ‘symbolic’ reason. That, “In reality, there would have been relatively few children of the required age in that district, for Bethlehem was a very small town. The point is that all of them are in Heaven.”

I am currently reading “The Defamation of PIUS XII” by Ralph McInery, St. Augustine’s Press 2001. In this publication the history itself is being threshed out from amongst the lies and fictional dramatization of a Pope who was portrayed years after his death as someone who practically sided with the Nazis and Adolph Hitler. The reality in this case as proven through documentation and now infamous cables thanks to Wiki Leaks reveals the opposite. That the Pope had indeed saved the lives on hundreds if not thousands of Jews and he did it because he sided not exclusively with Jews par se as people special to the Lord,(which would have been reason enough) but because the actions of the NAZIS was contrary to natural law.

Sara Dubow has written a new book entitled, “Ourselves Unborn” published by Oxford this year I believe where she establishes that the fetus has come to serve certain political interests over time and it’s determination as to how it would be conceived in social and scientific circles was dependent on the the prevailing political and social pressures at the time. A society facing changing circumstances and a desire to acquire power with their perceptions of reality and significance change over time and the fetus somewhat like Pluto are perceived differently. For instance Mrs. Dubow maintains the idea that the status of the fetus was used as a means of controlling the ‘reproductive rights’ of women. Many women perceive the fetus this way and thus sacrifice the fetus not on the alter of science as Dr. Wilhelm His has done in the early nineteenth century, dissecting albeit dead embryos to disprove the theories of a scientific competitor who was seeking to maintain a political status quo, very much like the pro-Darwin, evolutionist’s do today. Very much in the lie told about the humanity of African-American slaves in America and why it was perfectly fine to consider these human being’s chattel. Very much like the DADT repeal and why homosexuality considered a taboo twenty years ago is now perceived as a matter of civil rights. It would appear that the ‘reality’ of things is secondary to what use can be made of them, what purpose and advantage can one win out and summarily who maintains power and dominance.

I for one, am perfectly content now to view the changes I see being made in the world before me, particularly the rash and absurd ones like ‘gay-marriage’ to be nothing more than the battlefield of spiritual war fare. Certainly, that is not a rash assessment since the United States itself (along with others) are waging a war against Islam. It does appear as Ben Stein has pointed out that there is a war against religion. That would explain the attacks by the Christopher Hitchens, the Richard Dawkins, the Stephen Hawkings, Bill Mahr, George Carlin, Kathy Griffin and others. It is a concerted attack without a doubt. The pedophile sex scandals, the blaming the Catholic Church for the Crusades, the Holy Inquisition and what role did Pope Pius the XII play in during World War II.

The vaulted value of Galileo Galilee a man so embedded in Catholicism it seems strange that he would have ever been chosen to be the poster boy for the anti-religious. A man who essentially is more remembered for Copernicus’s discovery and theory than his own (rate of descent, he was not even the inventor of the telescope). A man that associated with the upper echelon of the Catholic Church so well that he knew enough about the Pope to parade him as one of his characters, Simplitico, and was merely confined to house arrest when he would not desist. A man who of his three children out of wedlock two were daughters who he relegated to a nunnery where they became nuns. I am sure you wont see them represented at the newly formed Galileo museum. Yet the reason Galileo was ‘wrong’ wasn’t because the facts of the solar system he observed was wrong, he was wrong for trying to usurp the clergy. His desire along with others who perhaps wanted to live irreligiously was that he wanted to bait and switch the value of the physical metrics from what it was all along, the value of the human soul. Why should the sun be regarded as the center of the solar system and if so why is that remotely important? The reality of the matter is that the fact that the sun revolves around the earth or the earth around the sun is one of the least significant facts that people know. We have been in space, we have sent men to the moon, rovers to Mars, an American satellite has reached the outer realms of our solar system. We have found no intelligent life and rave when the scantest trace of water molecules are found, frozen. What the Church wanted to maintain and still does till this day is that it is more important for man universally speaking to look within, to mediate upon God and with fear and trembling convert his soul to make it suitable for life everlasting. What can be more valuable than life everlasting? All the world is a stage and my God, look at the stage lights. Not just the sun but even the constellations millions of light years away are at man’s disposable to cross the ocean. If you were in a house, placed in a dessert with running water and enough food to last for 6 months and there was a book on the table what would you do? Run outside into the dessert with as much food and water you could carry? Perhaps your gracious host wants you to read the book? The goal of Galileo and those like him, the atheist, the gays, those ‘cockles of the field’ is to distract as many people, lead them into a dessert like a God less Moses, to their damnation in hell. That is what is happening, that is why the things that ought to be correct are wrong and common sense is abandon and murder on the alter of science. Sinead O'Conner got it right, "It is no sacrifice", sacrifice means to make holy and science can’t do that, only God can.

Catholic Culture : On the Culture : Hope from the Holy Innocents

Friday, December 24, 2010

Are these not demons?

The gay horde of demons have arrived in full force. I advocate that the death penalty be put in full effect for the the demon hordes just as they have in Saudi Arabia and in some parts of Africa. Decent God fearing Americans need to be on the watch for these Satanist and anti-Christ. Defend yourself with prays to St. Micheal as the hordes of evil doers have descended upon us. May God have mercy on our souls.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Senate has okay'ed DADT

I have lost my country.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Why The Church Comes Out Wining In The Pedophile Crisis

The Lord works in mysterious ways. It is only now that the Catholic Church can see the upside of the pedophile scandal. The pedophile scandal may have had two positive outcomes for the Church and humanity at large. One was that it brought pedophilia to the front burner long enough to know the evil that lives amongst and between us, now no one can say they don't know the sexual atrocities that take place daily, within and without the Church. Second, it threw the homosexuals out of the Church and placed them squarely where they have subsequently proven to have been all along, in league with Satan as anti-Christs.

The Church, unlike any other organization in the world has dealt with pedophilia amongst it's ranks. Can any other group make a similar claim? No, I don't think so. Where as the Church have run the homosexual and pedophile out of it's midst the government of the world have endorsed the homosexual and many a government like India and South Africa and South East Asian nations could care less about pedophilia. Those that insisted in taking a check for these crimes which were seen as morally reprehensible and unpardonable even by current law and the statute of limitations have forsaken their claim to white martyrdom before God. Although this crimes were seen as unforgivable, which is completely antithetical to very crux of the Christian faith a six figure check seemed to have assuaged their distress. Presumably it will be spent on the psychiatrist and therapist. The very same ones that now tell us that homosexuality is perfectly alright.

First of all let's be clear, homosexuality and pedophilia are exactly the same in two respects, they are both sexual abuse both physically (a penis has no biological need to be in an anus of another man or in his mouth, ask Darwin) and abuse psychologically (it doesn't matter if the victim has become emotionally desensitized to it, the psychological fantasy here is not one of dominance over a submissive but one of abuse and objectification, in terms of pedophilia it is simply to the extreme where the proud can act out a god complex over their infant or juvenile victim) and they are both given sanction by a public that would rather look the other way or endorse it than to be found in contradiction to their peers. Pride like the pride parade homosexuals have every year is a demonstration of low self esteem, pride is an inflationary sense of ones self worth which is done to deny the vanity and vacuity they feel which is all any one can feel with they are sodomized and degraded as a human receptacle for someone else's satisfaction. Additionaly, the sad fact of the matter is that the longer one engages in this deviant behavior the more difficult it will be to break away from it. Even slaves under long tenures of subjugation have difficulty venturing out on their own, freedom is often damning to them so long have the been mentally and morally infantilezed, having never assumed responsibility for themselves. In fact, the positivistic and and objectified (truly schizophrenic) homosexual is at a loss despite his deep seated subjectivism to find anything of himself he can call 'self'. He is alien to his own identity, only finding a visage of himself as he is reflected in the eyes of others, which is why he compels all others to render to him a report of their perception only what is good and positive, their honest assessment of him if they deem him vulgar and unseemly he denounces as hate and intolerance. Hate, an emotion we all have, created in the image of God as He Himself hated, "Jacob I loved, Esau, I hated" (Romans 9:13) is an attribute of man as discrimination is one of man's intellectual faculties of which he need not deprive himself in order to appear politically correct. Anger, jealous, envy are supposedly all done away with in this 'evolved' man. The homosexual has somehow ejected them from his heart and soul, he is more pure than the heterosexual. So now we have a policing of our honest emotions, we must not be found in possession of hate, so there is now hate crimes. When you hit your fellow man in the head with a bat that is one thing but when you curse him with a racial slur while doing so that is altogether another, as if the striking of a man with a bat is not evidence enough of his vexation and for the words he used (currently only derogatory racial expressions) the attacker gets an additional ten years for this. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will keep me in the slammer longer. Of course we know the reason for this policy, we are expected to all come together regardless of race to be good human drones for our New World masters. Racial distinction, they won't hear of it, all together we are slaves. Although it would appear that the psychologically immature homosexual does not know of these emotions or rather he lies and claims that it is the Catholic that propagates hate, Jesus who preached (and is the only one to have done so in religion besides God in the Old Testament) 'love thy neighbor' has followers who are the very antithesis of their founder. It is the Catholic who is with out virtue on account that as a true Catholic he rejects the homosexual as the charlatan and opportunist that he is, he says that the homosexual is selfish and will not deny himself, no, not for the the larger society and no not for the kingdom of heaven, he does not have to heed God, God is unimportant to him and so is everybody else and this negative perception of the homosexual is unacceptable to him. Is gay marriage not hatred for society at large? Is it not a repudiation of ones family line for man to marry man? Does not homosexuality proclaim a disdain for the opposite sex, is he not repulsed by women as a matter of pride because indeed she is psychologically and emotionally superior to man in many respects? Will she not feed him lessons of humility in his first encounters? Does she not weigh him down, the 'ol ball and chain' of reality and responsibility that she imparts in his life? Yet, he is supported by liberals, liberal and false Catholics and various heterosexuals, why? Is he not tearing at the the very social fabric of their society when he attacks society in this way? What is the great comfort of the homosexual to these people? Often I believe it is simply to get the issue over with, to stop the aggravation that they feel whenever they have to deal with this problem. No one wants to be seen as the ogre or lose the comfort and camaraderie of the crowd and the homosexual makes it clear to them that they will have a fight on their hands if these people seeking their comfort do not bend to his wishes, they will be alienated, ostracized, uninvited to the best social occasions. Some of them have their own antagonistic motivation, they want to be evil, they want to 'stick it to authority' they are the same as he, just not explicitly sexual inverts, rather they are anti-authoritarian and equally selfish answering only to their desires and intentions and yes, they are proud as well. The very concept of giving up the self for the larger body has been lost almost entirely in this new world, case in point the elimination of the draft. This is one of the great evils of society and democracy, that very few people are willing to risk their stature and social ties in the community and tend to follow along where ever the current tides take them rather than to swim against the currents of public opinion and denounce a behavior as morally reprehensible. It takes a village to rape a child and it takes a village to endorse emotional illness as the new norm as well.

Thomas Jefferson's imaginary 'wall of separation' doesn't just exist between Church and State, it is applied throughout almost every facet of our current human relations now in the United States. When the claim is made that neighbors and associates do not care about the sexual behavior of their colleagues what they mean to say is that they simply do not care about the welfare of that person at all, except as far as it concerns their own safety and well being. We see this every day in a city full of people that briskly walk by the schizophrenic talking to themselves in the street or the the homeless person whose stench is nauseating and has no shoes on his feet in the local subway. We seen this when alcoholics literally littered the Bowery in New York City, most ignored them and stepped over them on their way to work. We see this in dance halls where people are so high they are passed out on the floor and we witness this circumspect consciousness when the popular musician sing songs of loneliness and alienation only to read in the papers one day that he has committed suicide. The problem with emotional illness isn't those of us who are hearing voices, the scourge of emotional illness is those of us who claim they don't. By legitimizing homosexuals we are claiming that we do not hear the voices of those in psychological distress. That is nothing less than a convenient conscious alleviating lie. If those that are well simply support and endorse the illness of those that are ill, emotional illness will only permeate healthy society to the point where emotional health will be completely impossible to discern.

Homosexuality is evil, and I do mean evil, as we are all unclean in some respect not mere victims. As in a Shakespearean tragedy and in accordance with the Japanese perception of emotional illness the fault lies in the character of the person, not necessary throughout society. Pride, is not an admirable character trait and for those unwilling to be humble and recognize God it is now all too clear. These are the anti-Christ that long to be a dominant group over the lives of millions of people in America and abroad. The lies given on behalf of homosexual social equality is merely the falsely postulated moral cause of the day. Many and unimaginably disingenuous arguments are made equating their condition with that of the African-American and yet at the time pride was seen as the sin of the African that lead him down low into slavery, however pride today is seen as acceptable, millions of heterosexuals see the 'equality' of homosexuality as the cause celebre of their generation, the third part in a now anticipated trilogy of civil rights and liberty and the only injustice they see comes from God and His anachronistic Church. The 'virtue of religion' as stated by St. Thomas Aquinas is to render to God the 'worship that is due to him as the source of all being and the principle of all government of things.'http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12748a.htm. Yes, 'Render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's. (Matt 22:21) Yes, plainly man needs render the glory, worship and adoration to God because He is all deserving of it as the creator of all things. When we believe that we can govern and sustain ourselves without giving God his due we fail and the irony of the matter is that the endorsement of homosexuality which ought to be clear evidence of the damning deviant path we have embarked upon as we move further away from God has instead been viewed as 'progress', men marrying men we see as progress, nothing could be further from the truth.

In a book by Ralph McInerny published in 2001 entitled "The Defamation of Pius XII" he not only writes about all that Pope Pius XII has done to help Jews during Hitler's eugenics program of racial purity, which he picked up by the racist Americans who started that evil pseudo science. He also mentions what one of the philosophical and immoral basis for which the Pope and the Church objected to the treatment of the Jews fell under, in a sense of current familiarity, it was how the NAZI program was against natural law.

As is true that Hitler was born into a Catholic household and perhaps like "Catholics for Equality", considered himself to be Catholic. He did not follow any of the Catholic teachings, after all, Mother Teresa, St. Therese of Liseiux and John Paul II were Catholic also, which of these could we say has done the will of the Father? The Nazis were however endorsed and practiced euthanasia, for which the Catholic Church deemed against natural law. Homosexuality, the Church states, are also acting against natural law. Which of the two have more in common with Adolph Hitler, the Catholic Church or the homosexuals?

The homosexuals are a threat to the security of this nation and it is odd that the federal government would want to repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell', which is a none sense compromise created by President Clinton. Yet again many Americans stop trusting the government before the 9/11 bombing and it is only in a war no one but President Bush wanted that we are supposed to share any fidelity to this country. Now, with the homosexuals taken as a legitimate class in society many of us that distrusted the country in the first place have no reason to show allegiance to it at all. In fact, homosexuals should not be allowed to join the military at all seeing how they have a mental disability. It is interesting to note that in this decade Pluto was determined by Astronomers to not be a credible plant, well, what ever that notation and reclassification means to them it change not one thing about Pluto in reality. Pluto is continuing to do what Pluto has been doing since the dinosaurs walked the earth. The change in classification in the Diagnostic Statistical Manuel in 1973 has essentially the same non effect in reality, what is an emotional and cognitive disorder amongst homosexuals continue to be so whether or not they are classified as disabled or not. In fact the larger part of the problem is that there was no reason given for their diagnosis to be removed in the first place. It would have to be surmised that Dr. Robert Spitzer and his crew must have believed that the men who categorized them as ill in the first place must have had a non scientific reason for doing so. There is this extrapolation of Darwinism that says not only that animals evolve over time but the scientific philosophies of man does as well and for some unproven reason the reasoning of men of the past is to be discounted. Apparently we are not at the threshold now where water is no longer wet and two plus two no longer equals four but presumably we'll get there. This was effectively what I call the reality crisis in America and Europe (which is why we are in such a stark recession) or a psychiatric reformation where books and diagnosis can simply be removed upon a secure number of votes whether or not there is valid grounds for doing so.

The American Psychiatric Association state that there are two criteria for assessing that a man has a psychiatric disorder and in fact the two are ironically and uniquely insufficient. One is that the man is personally suffering harm and the second is if he is some how socially impaired because of his condition. Of course, immediately one can point to Jeffery Dalhmer, the BTK killer, Ted Bundy, H.H. Holmes and Charles Manson amongst other sociopaths for who these criteria make no difference. Of course, perhaps they are correct in their assessment that these men are not psychiatric patients but are intrinsically evil, the cockle of the field, unfortunately since mere secular scientist can not address such a reality they are forced to categorize them as abnormal from a psychological point of view but the fact remains that there are many evil people who cannot be said to be suffering or socially impaired, they are simply evil. Yet, were they to do that they would have still failed to put homosexuals in that group, although it is true. 'What can not be proven, simply does not exist', is the sworn philosophy of modern science. There is a reliance like that of spoiled children that what is undesired can wistfully be willed out of concern and reality ignored. The United States will see the destruction that the homosexuals will heap on them and they will deserve it. They are so easy to ameliorate their values and consciences in order to save their own lives of comfort and luxury. Just like Eve in the garden of Eden they have decided that they will judge what is good and evil, they will be like God and dismiss God from the heavens.

Recently the European Court of Human Rights (whatever that means) has adjudicated that Ireland can not place a ban on abortions because it infringes on the rights of women. Similarly, it was not the British themselves in the 1990's who decided that they should integrate and accept homosexuals into the military but this same court. Why do these sovereign government submit to some international court allowing foreigners to dictate to them the civil rights of their citizens even though those presumed rights are contrary to their cultural and moral values? Why do they give room for some alien entity to set the agenda in their country? We certainly need court reform, we need to move away from a method where although there is a congress and a democracy, the law of the land is being determined by the courts. The evil homosexual is having his way because although they are a minority they are using the courts to set their agenda, the agenda is less people and population control so that the living adults can live more comfortably and lavishly. That admittedly is my best estimation, that is what we have in Planned Parenthood which is the off shoot of the eugenicist that inspired Hitler. That is the way of Lucifer and his disciples.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Robert Leroy Johnson:Deals with the devil in Popular Music Today?

The story about musicians selling their soul to the devil I only half believed with when I acknowledged the string of suicides that took place amongst rock musician (and then I thought it only applied to rock musicians). It was Robert Leroy Johnson who according to legend made a Faustian bargain with the devil at the cross roads of Dockery Plantation. A large black man(devil) met him there took the guitar from him tuned it played a few songs and then gave it back to him supernaturally given him the mastery over the instrument.

When we look at the interviews of Bob Dylan in 2004 he pretty much comes straight out and admits that he made a deal with 'destiny'. He calls the one he made this deal with with the "chief commander of this world and the one we can't see.." not the chief commander of the next world as Christians would say. Yet to be clear in a much earlier interview he flatly claims that he is not religious and doesn't 'believe in anything'.

In the 2004 interview with Ed Bradley (June 22, 1941 – November 9, 2006) of "60 Minutes" Dylan states that he does in fact have what I would call 'spiritual obligations'.

There was of course John Lennon consistent attack on the Christianity by stating that The Beatles were bigger than Jesus and of course the song "God" in which he sings that God is merely a concept and that he does not believe in Jesus (amongst other spiritual beliefs). However, surprisingly(or not) the trend seems to continue with rapper Jay-Z in which the rapper writes the following lyrics,

"Hail Mary to the city your a Virgin, and Jesus can’t save you life starts when the church ends,"

Why such an anti-Christian message, it would seem unnecessary, one would think that a performer like Jay-Z can be successful without using any religious references at all. However, more and more it seems as if artist can't get by today without making some mention of religion. Albeit, religion is very much in the spot light but one would imagine that there would be no cause for the enmity that artist display, particularly for the Christian faith. The Smithsonian's latest art exhibition for instance was effectively a gay one, with what has been dubbed 'A Gay Christmas Show'. One would think that the gay community had something other to focus on than desecrating sacred objects of the Church (and they do, it is usually naked men)they set up this display , a photograph really on the crucified Jesus covered in ants, (what the symbolism is suppose to mean is the artist participation in the suffering of Jesus)by David Wojnarowicz's entitled A Fire in My Belly from the NPG's exhibition, "Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture."It seemed nonetheless similar to the "Sensation" exhibit which ran from from 2 October 1999 to 9 January 2000 at the Brooklyn Musem here in New York, where there was a piece of art (so-called) entitled The Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Ofili. The work is a painting of the Virgin Mary covered in elephant dung of course drew the ire of then then Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, William Donahue of the Catholic League and Cardinal O'Connor who was then Archbishop of New York.

Certainly there is an animosity between the artist and the religious as Jesus proclaimed there would between who prefer their immediate carnal lives over salvation. There are those who are simply the cockle of the field sowed by the devil who hate Christ no without reason. (Matthew 13;38) Many of us would like to believe that the World does not hate Christian or that without religion we will simply live in a world where, as if we were living in a giant shopping mall, we will all simply be working and purchasing what we want happily going about our daily lives, without the tedium of religion and any thought of God. Yet, 'power abhors a vacuum', and without God mere mortals would be left to the devises of God knows who in the spiritual realm, certainly Satan. During this advent season when we prepare for the coming of the Lord, let us take stock of our lives and the content there within, the music we listen and the conscious realization that in deed, the end soon draws near and we ought to contemplate the last things, death, judgment, heaven and hell. Let the Christian remember Christ suffering and his word about this world rather than effectively dismissing Christ with a polyandrous, puerile and rudimentary thoughts that 'Christ loves everyone', particularly when we know for certain, not everyone loves Christ.

John 15:20
Remember my word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my word, they will keep yours also.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Scipture Needed, Not Sympathy For Homosexuals

"I am, frankly, saddened by dissenting "Catholics" who are defending Howe and other active, militant homosexuals on their blogs, websites, and Facebook pages. I find their presumption and misplaced sympathy tiresome and even silly."

Thus wrote Sonja Corbitt on Catholic Online.com and she has really expressed the my own genuine feelings on not the homosexual problem but the heterosexuals and Catholics who support them. Below is a sample of their thought.
  1. Eddie
    December 8th, 2010 7:48 am

    Sigh. Fundamentalists are truly tiresome. All I got out of you exorbitant and well articulated article was a sense of pity for the poor clinically diagnosed “Homosexuals” as you apparently know them all and their views toward their own homosexuality. It’s sad such outdated “opinions” are still expressed, though I expressively agree that everyone has that right. My generation can neither grasp nor comprehend why you all look upon “Homosexuals” the way you do, just because a book (which was never written by any of the people in it and revised and re-translated countless times to suit the needs of that time period) says IT IS SO. Your views are only a generation or two away from becoming the minority opinion. My grand-children will look back 40-50 years from now and wonder what all the fuss was about, just as my generation looks back and wonders the same for segregation, women’s rights, miscegenation, and slavery. Change I guess is the only bright spot and it comes slowly and quietly. Fortunately, even the church will adapt “eventually” as it has for most social changes over the past 100 years, it either stays up with the times or is forgotten as an antique along with its antiquated “opinions”.

I agree as I said with Mrs. Corbitt who can be found at www.pursuingthesummit.com and in the commentary section I wrote the following which I reprinted here in order to expound further on this reality of 'brain washed' young people who aren't homosexual (and even those who are, having been brain washed all the way) but see our position as Catholics as primitive, not given thought to the values we have or the ground of faith and reason we have employed to come to them through the grace of God. The very approach they take to the Bible as a mere book and even so, nothing but words on paper that can be dismissed at will is really a consummate evil. They do not even allow that the Bible is to us Catholics what the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) is to physicist. People like Eddie will not even entertain the notion that there is truth in the Bible as there is in Newton's observations.

I could not agree more, thank you for writing this. The problem that we face with homosexuals and anti-Catholicism has more to do with heterosexuals and misinformed or left leaning Catholics. As a person that has had psychiatric care for depression and been hospitalized as well as medicated and has since beaten all of that through spirituality and faith in God (no longer taking any medication and haven't for over a decade) I can assure you that the normalization and pretense of legitimizing an obvious emotional disturbance which manifests itself as homosexual acts will MAKE THE REST OF SOCIETY MENTALLY ILL. How does that occur? It is happening right now, right now heterosexual liberals are lying to themselves when they say they cannot see anything wrong or remotely odd about the behavior and traits of homosexuals. We ALREADY know something is wrong but we decide to willfully blind ourselves to the reality, that means people are willing to lie to themselves because in fact they believe that they can go home and would never have to live with these homosexual people anyway but that is a lie because even now homosexuals are seeking 'marriage' and adoption rights which will change the societal landscape of this country. Make no mistake about it lying to oneself makes one emotionally ill, just like the homosexuals are doing in their life, all because of their pride. Homosexuals really do not want people to ignore their distress in the manner that one by passes a homeless man on the street, possible throwing their small change into his cup, subconsciously they want their distress to be recognized as any one wounded would want another to recognize their wounds, not pretend they don't see it.

The other and vitally important problem is the young people like Eddie who are merely dealing with life in a two dimensional manner. 'Progress will come and the dissenting will evolve', sure, but remember disease progresses also, cancer progresses. Not knowing the difference between Fundamentalist and Catholics, using one worded 'belief systems' such as 'freedom' and 'equality' in the most un-rooted manner is to simply buy into an American mythological template disregarding the substantial differences between times and the realities of their circumstances. The education they have received have enable their absolute ease in dismissing the Bible. In my whole life I remember people having a reverence for even secular writings, book burning was considered a heinous crime but here, the Bible is easily thrown over their shoulders, the Constitution is 'sacred' but the Holy Book of a religion is easily disregarded. Never in my life time have I witnessed such a caviler attitude, the author was right about that.The only way to accept this in my opinion is not just to recognize God but the entire Catholic cosmology, there is a devil, there is Satan and he has effectively commandeered the minds of millions to the point where there is no substance to their thoughts, no depth. It happen when America submitted to chattel slavery, claiming that the African person was not a human being, it happened when America submitted to on demand abortion claiming that the human in it's fetal stage is not a human being and it is happening again as America's attempt to legitimize homosexuality, claiming that we don't know our inner lives to have a definite character. More and more I am understanding the words of Christ,

Matthew 16:25
"For he that will save his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall find it." because essentially people like Eddie are perceiving all things through the fiction that their day to day life is the paramount determinant in all their decision making and pride has become a virtue.
Ezechiel 16:49
"Behold this was the iniquity of Sodom thy sister, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance, and the idleness of her, and of her daughters: and they did not put forth their hand to the needy, and to the poor."

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Keisha White:Choose Life

Keisha White I Choose life

I can't help thinking that Mrs. White made this video with children in mind. She is so beautiful in the video I always imagine that her 'boyfriend' in this video is posing as a closet gay. Well, his loss and I am sure that there are men lined up around the corner to take her, I will be one of them. The gorgeous and talented Mrs. White puts on a great performance and although I may be sued for reproducing it here with out permission I can't help but spread this message of 'Choose Life' for the cause of the Pro-Life movement. (Actually, I was just interested on having the beautiful Mrs. White on my blog site!) To tell you the truth she and other beautiful and talented people like her are the true inspiration for having and keeping the babies.

In fact it is a profound proposition that people are expendable in any way. To think of someone as a burden or disposable is really the height of evil itself. It makes more sense to take the time to meet someone and get married than to simply sleep with another equally irresponsible person and then discard the life of child.

I have known a few women who have had abortions and I can not say that they are eternally grieved by their decision but the reality of what is taking place is really no better than Auschwitz or falling prey to Stalin or any of the current political dictators that rule through death.

What we do in America is lie and say that they, the human fetus is not human. We have succeeded in doing that because we have said that the human being is an animal. How we managed that lie is hard to explain. We will say that a giraffe is an animal and thusly a human being is an animal. Then to explain the tremendous difference between man and animal we will say that man is a more intelligent animal. Yet, animals do not try to persuade men through language, which only man has perfected, they also do not lie, only man does that.

Although I feel for those who have no faith in God and subsequently believe that they are in a financial bind by having a child, there still is no justification for killing the human inside the womb and no amount of empathy for the woman is justified in legitimizing that action.

What we do with abortion and homosexuality is to reduce the human to chattel and mere extrinsic objects. It is funny that homosexuals who are terribly subjective themselves resort to a sexual behavior that is totally objectifying. That perhaps best sums up the homosexual disorder, self-subjective and objectifying the other. In fact, the homosexuals objected to being referred to as 'other' in the Manhattan Declaration, I suppose that we are to be one large 'self''. They actually object to everything in time.

Anyway, we can enjoy the wonderful video made by the beautiful Keisha White without going into all of this right now... but then again we have to address it, we do.

See Father Pavone at Priestforlife.org and lend him your support to end abortion.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DADT, Except If Your Gay Then It's Okay

Bradly Manning the intelligence officer who betrayed his country turns out like a lot of traitors to be a homosexual. Pfc. Manning was it turns out the solider responsible for delivering to Julius Assange the head of WikiLeaks the famous diplomatic cables so that he Julius could attack and destroy this country which he hates so much. There is so much proof in the pudding that the gays are dangerous to the country and that they are psychiatrically ill.

Yet just this week the kissing cousin of homosexuality, Narcissistic Personality Disorder was also rescinded from the Diagnostical Statistical Manuel of the American Psychiatric Association. Only those two, the two psychological profiles which would be vain enough to care if they were in there. Patients who are depressed, those with eating disorder will admit that they have a problem, homosexuals, Narcissist and sociopaths will not.

I hope that this last example of the dangers of homosexuals serving in the military will finally put to rest the long and distinguished career of the Secretary of Defense Gates, that man said that homosexuals serving in the military would do no harm and yet look at the harm that has already been committed. In fact the Florida pastor who wanted to burn one thousand Korans (in Florida) seemed to be a threat to the American military more than the traitors within it's ranks, now how is that?

Click on the title above to read Ann Coulter's brillant article on this traitor at Townhall.com.